Sunday, June 21, 2009

What is at the source?

Sometime back we discussed about the believe system, Vyshali has sent some views on the same.

The belief system, I so agree with it.

The universe has a strange way of presenting itself to give every time you need, want or desire something. Only that you have to ask yourself if you were in the place to receive it. There is miracle happening every moment, you just got to be in that place. The place of receiving it.

There is a story I heard:

Once a man died and the angel came to lead him to the gate of heaven. He saw many things lined up along the way, and every thing was what he needed, wanted and desired in life. He asks the angel "whose things are these?" She says "yours, you did

not pick them up"

I always thought that it usually is 'love' at the bottom of it all for what a human being is in search of. Strangely it is not

(To be continued next week)

Contributed by Vyshali

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Something for the first time?

Last year around this time I went in my new Alto on a journey covering 1505 KMs covering costal Karnataka. It was adventurous, fun and boring at times. I'm glad to share few thoughts which I captured during my journey ..!

* Main purpose of life is to find "The purpose of life"

* Journey of life is beautiful as long as your focus is not the destination

* Reaching the destination safe is important but it is not the only thing

* Just don't over take for the sake of overtaking, unless you want to go ahead

* When you are overtaking don't look at the person whom you are overtaking, have your view in the front, to go ahead

* Everyone wants to travel

* On a long journey, just prepare for your next stop.

* Start your journey with full tank (of petrol)

* When you want to stop, STOP

* Trust yourself, if you can not… trust your car

* If you are afraid of loneliness, don't start your journey alone!

* You are never alone in any journey; you will always have your thoughts with you.

* Best way to enjoy a journey when you are alone is to have cell-phone with GPRS

* Don't worry about raising fuel price; they are never going to come down.

* If you don't write well, take a good camera!

* At one point you should complete your journey, so that you can take the next one

* There in nothing like "The purpose of life", you create one.

 I'm inviting you to look at "When was the last time I did something for the first time?"  

Do something new this week and enjoy life! 

(The interesting details of the journey are at   posted live during the journey using mobile blogging )

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Destiny…few more thoughts!

After last week's article I got lot of inputs and views about destiny.  Extending that idea in this week's column.

What we said last week was 

.. some People  sometime believe in destiny and sometimes not, they are the ones who have lot of stress, confusion. They are not in action,  they have fear of consequence. So, either you believe in destiny or not, it does not matter. What matters is you having the freedom.

What I want to stress upon is, you having the freedom.  One access to be free is, not being positional about your point of view.  The point of view may be "I believe in destiny" or " I don't believe in Destiny".

May be depending on the situation and context you make choice.