Three Law’s of Performance-3
In this concluding part we will look at the Third Law of Performance.
The First law states:
How People perform correlates to how situation occurs to them
The Second Law of performance is
How a situation occurs arises in language
The Third Law of performance is
Future-based language transforms how situations occur to people
Future based language is also called as "Generative Language", it has the power to create new futures, to craft vision, and to eliminate the blinders that prevent people from seeing possibilities
It does not describe how a situation occurs; it transforms how it occurs. It does this by re-writing the future.
Before we look into the Power of Future, let's understand what our default future is.
Answer this question "How much money you are going to save/earn this year?"
Based on your past experience you are kind of certain that you are going to save/earn not more than some x amount, right?
This is the outcome of the default future, which is completely based on past, it consists of our expectations, fears, hopes and predictions.
The default future influences how the situation occurs in the present.
The Future based language projects a new future that replaces what people see coming. The future goes from default to "invented" future.
The new future is created in declaration – it is inventing a possibility and then to commit fully to that declaration. Throughout the history we have seen many examples.
Gandhi said "India shall be free" and committed his life for that cause and now we are free.
Ratan Tata said "a car for 1 lakh" and we have a Nano. This declaration not only created a car but along with it created a new possibility of innovation and creativity.
The Future based language
· Inspire action for everyone involved
· Fulfill the concerns of all
These three laws of performances are universal.
Let's use them to create and fulfill a future that matter to us.
(Source : Three Laws of Performance Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan.)
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