Thursday, April 05, 2007

Theatre v/s Theater

Theatre v/s Theater

While proof reading the design of our Arabian nights tickets, I came across this, after googling for some time got the answers in the wikipedia. It is interesting to know about this …

Theatre (or theater, see spelling differences) (from French "théâtre", from Greek "theatron", meaning "place of seeing") is the branch of the performing arts concerned with acting out stories in front of an audience using combinations of speech, gesture, mime, puppets, music, dance, sound and spectacle — indeed any one or more elements of the other performing arts. Theatre has been defined as what "occurs when one or more human beings, isolated in time and/or space, present themselves to another or others."[1] In addition to the standard narrative dialogue style, theatre takes other forms, such as opera, ballet, mime, kabuki, puppetry, classical Indian dance, Chinese opera, mummers' plays, improvisational theatre and pantomime.

A theater or theatre is a structure where theatrical works or plays are performed or other performances such as musical concerts may be given. While a theater is not required for performance (as in environmental theatre or street theatre), a theater serves to define the acting and audience spaces and organize the theater space as well as provide facilities for the performers, the technical crew and the audience.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Right here ... right now !

Weekend was hectic with hardly 3 weeks left for the play. (We are making the Gurappanpalya slum kids to perform Arabian nights in English at Rangashankara ).

I was reflecting on one thought during the weekend, “Why we do thing that we do ?” Is it ‘cos “we want to do” or “we have to do”?, What inspires people to do things that they do? And “Why I’m doing, what I’m doing right now?” “Why I’m not happy about this?”

This time our team is not working as a cohesive team, every time follow-up is required or they are not motivated to do the things not only the team even the kids at the slum not practicing regularly, they don’t seem to be enthusiastic about performing at a place like Rangashamkara.

First I looked at “Why I’m doing, what I’m doing right now?” “Why I’m not happy about this?”,

I started looking at various aspects , social service , to selfishness , time pass, to please others , looking good, suppressed, my wife makes me do it !, making difference , sincerity , commitment, create a new world etc.. etc.. etc

Suddenly I got present to “what is missing”, What was missing was “ context”. I created context. To make Tangamma (one of the kids in the slum) to perform at Ranga shankara , I f I don’t do it she will not get the opportunity to perform there. Waw..! I said .. but still I was not happy .. why?...

It took some more time for me distinguish, what came to my rescue was the distinction “Commitment v/s Attachment” which I got during my SELP in Landmark, Commitment is doing things without getting affected by how thing are going where as attachment is driven by emotions, there is a sense of “good” and “bad” , “happy” and “sad”.

All the while I was doing thing out of attachment. Once I identified this aspect of my being I got present to my commitment and my “word”. I declared to …showcase Arabian nights as one of the best plays ever played at Ranga shankara .. and be in ACTION.

Next question to resolve was “Why we do thing that we do ?” is it ‘cos we want to do or we have to do ?

It become clear to me once I created my context, There is nothing in this world “I have to do “ , everything in life is choice and consequence of choosing it. We choose but resist the consequence. So answer what I got was … we do things ‘cos “ We choose to do it”

Lastly “What inspires people to do things they do?” I got what inspires me to do thing what I do? But I really don’t know what inspires you to do things which you do?
May be the answer is in the Question?