'Luck' by choice
Few days back in one of the courses I got this definition of 'Luck". It goes like this "The shortest time taken to act on any opportunity" and the leader also said that opportunities are always in the air. Looks interesting right?
Look at your life and see the situations when you felt you were lucky? Now you can see there were some actions you took without thinking about the consequence and as a result of that you got what you wanted. Just look back at different situations. If you are not finding any situations then you are pessimist develop some optimism. Consider you are lucky, because you are reading this article!!
Jokes apart what I really want you to get is - You can have 'Luck' by choice.
Look at your life and see the situations when you felt you were lucky? Now you can see there were some actions you took without thinking about the consequence and as a result of that you got what you wanted. Just look back at different situations. If you are not finding any situations then you are pessimist develop some optimism. Consider you are lucky, because you are reading this article!!
Jokes apart what I really want you to get is - You can have 'Luck' by choice.

The access is operating from a place of 'unknown'. Consider whatever you have at present or you don't have, is a function of all the actions and decisions you took so far, and we always take actions when we know something about the result/outcome. You write exam knowing that you will pass or fail, you will go to movie knowing that it will either good or bad. I'm not saying that you will know the results but what I'm saying is, you will know all the possible outcomes.
Now the access to 'Luck' by choice is act on any opportunity without losing any time and being open to operate from the place of "unknown'.
Many of you might not be clear on how to operate from the place of ‘unknown’, which is exactly what I'm trying to tell, you don't have to be clear and know it - Just Act!
Now the access to 'Luck' by choice is act on any opportunity without losing any time and being open to operate from the place of "unknown'.
Many of you might not be clear on how to operate from the place of ‘unknown’, which is exactly what I'm trying to tell, you don't have to be clear and know it - Just Act!
I would agree, things that you receive today 'Luck' are in someway connected to your actions in the past. If the actions were different you would not receive the same results. Even a simple lottery win would be the result of you purchasing a ticket ;)
Pradeep ji .. well said !
Are you in Bangalore ...contact me boss ..
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