Black holes
Few weeks back we were looking at the various aspects of Reality. Some concepts in Physics are still not proved fully and one of them is "Black Holes". A black hole is a massive object whose gravitational field is so intense that it prevents any form of matter or radiation from escaping. The term derives from the fact that its absorption of visible light renders the hole invisible and indistinguishable from the black space around it.

A black hole is often defined by its escape velocity, the minimum velocity that must be attained to escape from the gravitational pull of some object. For example, the escape velocity of an object on Earth is equal to 11 km/s. No matter the object, be it a rocket or baseball, it must go at least 11 km/s to avoid falling back to the Earth's surface due to Earth's gravity. The escape velocity of an object depends on how compact it is; that is, the ratio of its mass to radius. A black hole is an object so compact that, within a certain distance of it, even the speed of light is not fast enough to escape.
A black hole's mass is concentrated at a point called a singularity. Surrounding the singularity is a theoretical sphere called the event horizon. The event horizon marks the 'point of no return', a boundary that, if crossed, inevitably leads falling matter and radiation towards the singularity. This sphere is a kind of spatial extension of the black hole.
So whatever matter goes into the Black hole becomes part of it, it becomes "Nothing". So how about you putting things which are bothering you into the Black hole?
(Information on Black hole is from Internet source)
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