Buddha Sid!

You might have seen the movie ‘Wake-up Sid!’ or at least heard about it. The translation of the Sanskrit word “Buddha” is ‘wake-up’. So Buddha Sid is another way of saying ‘Wake-up Sid’. Wake-up to “attain your true self”
Let’s look at how things exist for us. Suppose if you don’t know what is “Coffee”?
One of the dimensions is, to explain it along time –Coffee starts from a coffee seed, which is sown in the ground, then the plant gives the coffee beans. These beans are dried, these dried beans are fried at certain temperature and then packed and sent to the coffee shop, in the shop they are grinded to create a powder, and then the powder is mixed with boiling water and then filtered to prepare a cup of coffee.
This is more logical, progressive along the dimension of time.
One of the dimensions is, to explain it along time –Coffee starts from a coffee seed, which is sown in the ground, then the plant gives the coffee beans. These beans are dried, these dried beans are fried at certain temperature and then packed and sent to the coffee shop, in the shop they are grinded to create a powder, and then the powder is mixed with boiling water and then filtered to prepare a cup of coffee.
This is more logical, progressive along the dimension of time.
Another dimension is along space, Coffee is very good drink, it has very good aroma, it’s color ranges from light brown to dark brown. In some countries coffee is mixed with hot milk and sugar. Some people prefer coffee without sugar. Coffee is refreshing in nature. Now a day’s coffee is available all over the world.
It is more in the domain of emotions and experience.
It is more in the domain of emotions and experience.
Another dimension is – Take a cup of coffee, take a big sip, “slurrr !”… and drink it. “Aaha !”
This dimension is something beyond experience and logic.
You just “Get it” … you get what “Coffee” is !!
This dimension is something beyond experience and logic.
You just “Get it” … you get what “Coffee” is !!
In Buddhism the first approach is called Hinayana, the second is called Mahayana and the last one is called Zen.
All the three dimensions have specific importance, while first two approaches are based on the past the third approach is focusing on the present.
“Buddha Sid” :-)
(Article Source Reference – Compass of Zen- Zen Master Seung Sahn) To subscribe to the newsletter write to - mithare@gmail.com
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