Photography - 2

Choose what you want cover (subject) in your photograph, in the above set of pictures-First (1) picture captures, The Dog, Ball and bags in the background etc. Picture 2 indicates what areas you can include in the photograph. Picture 3 indicates the final picture, you might decide to include the tennis ball to indicate the playful nature of the dog or you can exclude it.
When you are taking Landscape/Nature we can use the rule of 1/3rd .
Divide the frame horizontally and/or vertically into three parts. For landscapes one part cover sky, other for the subject and one part for land. If you are taking picture of a person, divide the frame vertically into three parts and have the person at one side.

If there is railing/road in the frame, have it end at one corner, as shown by the arrow in the above picture.
Finally there are two principles that one should follow in photography
1. Follow all the rules
2. Break all the rules
Finally there are two principles that one should follow in photography
1. Follow all the rules
2. Break all the rules
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Labels: HGWE, Photography, Thoughts
keep posting...i'll be following :)
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